HELENA – Facebook’s Community Boost opened Tuesday in Helena for two days of classes and workshops for small businesses.
The goal of the Community Boost Program is to improve the digital skills of small business owners.
Over the two day event, participants will learn how to use the social media platform to increase the reach of their non-profit or small business.
Emma Rodgers, the product marketing director says Helena was chosen due to the local interest in business skills. 78% of small business owners in Montana said social media was crucial for their business.
Mickey Kunnery owner of Survivor’s Boutique said Facebook has help her business grow its reach.
Emma Rodgers says “we’re really excited about what were doing here today. We’re committed to helping small businesses grow.”
Facebook reached out to Mickey Kunnery to speak at Facebook’s Community Boost due to her success and experience with Facebook. She says “I have a pretty specialized business. It’s something that not a lot of other towns in Montana have. So Facebook has worked really well for me.”
Helena is one of 50 cities Facebook’s community boost is traveling to this year. Other cities include San Diego, Pittsburgh and Houston.