HAMILTON – Rodeo queens brought shimmer and shine to the recently completed Ravalli County Fair in Hamilton.
“We encourage them to be a part of their community, we encourage them to understand the sport of rodeo, live the sport of rodeo, most of these young ladies, they rodeo, that’s what they do,” Rockin’ RC Rodeo Pageant Director Teresa Roberts said.
The 2017 royalty know how much work goes into being one of the ambassadors of rodeo. They worked the rodeo events at the fair in Hamilton and also help out in other communities.
“We have many opportunities to go help in community service, and help with other rodeos, carrying flags,” said Rockin’ RC Rodeo Princess Reece Connor.
We talked with Anabelle Waggner who was crowned Little Miss – and she knows what makes for a great rodeo queen. “funness and laughter, and just so much fun.”
In order to earn the crown, the contestants are judged in the arena on their horsemanship, have interviews, speeches, and modeling — which can be a lot of pressure.
“Especially once you’re on your horse when you’re a rodeo queen, you just kind of — all of us…we just sit there and it just calms us down when you’re on your horse and you get to ride around in the arena and smile and see everybody, 2017 Rodeo Queen Morgan Bolin told MTN News.
They are learning skills to set them up for bright futures.
“It’s amazing to see. Some of these women have gone on to be attorneys, they’ve gone on to doctors, and nurses,” Roberts said. “And yet they come back to the organization, like Miss Rodeo Montana, and continue to encourage these young ladies to fulfill their own dreams as well.”
Reporting by Augusta McDonnell for MTN News