KALISPELL – Edgerton School students teamed up with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks on Thursday to release west slope cutthroat trout.
The fourth grade students released hundreds of 2-year-old west slope cutthroat trout at Buffalohead Park Pond as part of the Hooked on Fishing program.
The program teaches fourth grade students about conservation and gets them exposed to aquatic resources and interested in fish early.
FWP Fisheries biologist Amber Steed says the trout were raised in FWP’s hatchery out of Anaconda. She added they use the ponds to teach children about fishing, trout, and the value that field days bring to young anglers.
“Having these field days in addition to that classroom time does make that connection stronger with the fish, the fishing opportunities and understanding where we can go and enjoy them on our own and with our families,” Steed said.
The pond is open to anyone, but those 15 and older must have a license, and release the fish they catch.
Reporting by Nicole Miller for MTN News