MISSOULA- The past few weeks didn’t just bring some extra water to our area, it also brought debris.
One Missoula homeowner tried to eliminate some problems caused by an unwanted logjam by lighting off explosives.
Missoula County officials say the woman was concerned about a logjam that was eroding a river bank near her property and threatening to cause damage.
She contacted officials Tuesday, who directed her to get in touch with the Missoula Conservation District and Fish, Wildlife and Parks to request an emergency permit to remove the debris.
Wednesday, there were reports of several loud explosions in the area, and that the homeowner was also trying to break up the logjam with excavation equipment.
Flood management officials want to make sure property owners know that permits are required to alter the flow of the river, even if it’s threatening your property.
-Augusta McDonnell reporting for MTN news