

Vendor hopes for “Trump rally” of his own in Great Falls

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GREAT FALLS – People from all over the county, not just Montana, are in Great Falls to see President Donald Trump. Some of them have even traveled more than 2,000 miles.

Rocky Granata from Brooklyn, New York, has been traveling across the country selling Trump gear and showing his support for the President. Originally a Bernie Sanders supporter, Granata says he joined the Trump team after Sanders lost the Democratic primary.

Granata’s stand, set up along 3rd Street NW in front of the former Dimitri’s restaurant, sells various Trump gear such as hats, shirts, buttons, and flags.

Throughout his travels across America, Granata says he’s always honored to speak and meet other Trump supporters, and people who disagree with the President.

“I like the challenge,” says Granata, “I’ve been thrown out of many neighborhoods verbally, rocks thrown at me and bottles. It’s been calming now. Things have been much cooler over the last four or five months.”

Granata says this is his first time to the Treasure State, and thinks it’s absolutely beautiful and added that everyone he’s met in Montana so far has been very kind.

Granata estimates that he drives about 5,000 miles each month, and is often joined by fellow Trump supporters. While in Great Falls, one of his fellow merchants is Randal Thom, who operates an Alaskan malamute breeding facility in Minnesota. Thom said that one of his dogs is even named after President Trump.

Reporting by John Riley for MTN News