

Rims still unstable over Mountain View Boulevard rock slide site

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BILLINGS – The slide site along Mountain View Boulevard remains untouched since a large portion of the Rims came tumbling down almost a month ago.

City Engineer Debi Melling said the assessment done by geotechnical firm Terracon has confirmed the rock above the road is too unstable to begin clearing away boulders down below.

This means that work on clearing the slide area will need to start up on the rims themselves.

This in turn means that outside contractors are necessary as there are no local contractors that could take on this kind of project.

Terracon is working on a proposal to present to outside contractors and city engineers are hopeful work can begin within a few weeks.

Resident Sheri Aanstad Lee, whose garage and vehicle were damaged by the slide, is thankful for the work that the city has done to make her home accessible in the interim and is hopeful that the project is complete by the time winter comes to town.

Reporting by Connor Pregizer for MTN News