NewsWildfire Watch


Betty White shares fire prevention message

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MISSOULA – Now that we’re in the heart of fire season, officials are taking to social media to share fire prevention messages.

The Missoula County Fire Protection Association posted a message on Facebook from a very special guest: iconic TV star Betty White.

The website Ready For Wildfire provides these fire-prevention tips:

  • Proper Vehicle Use to Prevent Wildfire: Motorists are responsible for many of the wildfires sparked along our roadways. Nearly all these fire starts could be prevented by following these safety rules:
  • Secure Chains: Practice safe towing. Dragging chains throws sparks. Use appropriate safety pins and hitch ball to secure chains.
  • No Dragging Parts: Make sure your vehicle is properly maintained, with nothing dragging on the ground.
  • Check Tire Pressure: Maintain proper tire pressure. Driving on exposed wheel rims will throw sparks.
  • Carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle and learn how to use it: Don’t drive your vehicle onto dry grass or brush. hot exhaust pipes and mufflers can start fires that you won’t even see—until it’s too late!
  • Properly Maintain Brakes: Brakes worn too thin may cause metal to metal contact, which can cause a spark.

Serve Montana’s website section “Protect Your Family From Fire” has tips for preventing wildfires and protecting your home.

  • Thinning the trees around your home so there is 15 feet between crowns will reduce the chance of fire spreading from tree to tree.
  • Eliminating “ladder fuels”, brush, small trees etc, will keep fire from climbing into tree tops.
  • Dispose of slash and other fuels around your home. If fire does strike it will have less fuel to burn.
  • Keep brush and other fuels cut back from your driveway so emergency vehicles can enter and leave.
  • Create at least a 30-foot safety zone around your home by watering and mowing your lawn and landscaping with fire resistant plants.
  • Clean debris from your roof and gutters
  • Display your name and house number in front of your property to assist emergency crews in locating your home.

For more information about creating defensible spaces click here. For more information about wildfire prevention click here.