

Billings airport breaks passenger record set in 2012

and last updated

BILLINGS – The Billings Logan International Airport set a new passenger record last year.

In 2018, a total of 904,873 passengers came through the airport, 51,314 more passengers than in 2017. The last time the airport set a passenger record was in 2012, when 899,302 people came through the airport.

“A lot of things contributed to the 6 percent increase in passenger numbers including a strong local economy,” said Kevin Ploehn, Director of Aviation and Transit at the airport, on Monday. “Additionally, the amount of cargo brought through the airport was also a record at 41,578 tons.”

Ploehn also cited a strong year for the agricultural sector, and marketing through Visit Billings.

Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport shattered its passenger records for the year as well.

The airport broke their 2017 record by 11.9 percent in 2018, with more than 1.3 million passengers.

Reporting by Samantha Sullivan for MTN News