HELENA – St. Peter’s Health is in the process of making some changes that will increase clinical space at the hospital and parking spaces for patient and visitor use.
They’re currently renovating the former Student Assistance Foundation building on E. Broadway.
They’ll move their non-clinical, administrative services such as human resources, St. Peter’s Foundation and administration into the former SAF building.
That will free up space for expanding services in the hospital and it will free up parking at the main building.
“This building has about 170 parking spaces,” says St. Peter’s Health CEO Wade Johnson. “So currently we have employees parking on campus, around the medical center, who will now be parking over here. So that will be freeing up a lot of spaces for our patients and our visitors.”
Moving employees over to the former SAF building also means more foot traffic.
Improvements have already been made to the crosswalk that gets patients, visitors and employees across Broadway.
St. Peter’s Health asks motorists to keep an eye out for the new flashing lights.
“We will have patients and employees going back and forth across Broadway more frequently than they have in the past,” adds Johnson. “So we worked with the city – they were great – in helping us come up with a plan for a good, safe solution for that. So now in addition to being able to occupy this space, we also have a safer way to get between the buildings and get across Broadway.”
St. Peter’s already has plans in the works for how it will expand services into the opened up clinical space.
They will also be completely re-working their parking lot this summer, which will add even more parking spots once complete.
Reporting by Melissa Jensen for MTN News