BROWNING – On Monday we brought you a story from the Blackfeet Food Distribution Program.
On Tuesday, we spoke with the director of that program who also operates the Blackfeet Food Pantry. The two programs are separate.
The USDA funds the commodity program and the food pantry strictly runs on donations and a small budget.
Roy Crawford said through the food pantry he will donate food baskets to furloughed federal employees. He expects to distribute the baskets sometime next week.
Crawford receives donations from several organizations:
- The Montana Food Bank Network
- The Montana Hunters Association
- The Missoula County Food Bank
- The Great Falls Community Food Bank
- The Blackfeet Fish and Game
- The Blackfeet Buffalo Program
Those who are employed and not receiving a paycheck due to the government shutdown have a chance to be eligible for a basket through the food pantry.
“This is a time of crisis and this program, both programs, help people in need. I don’t pass judgement on anybody. If you are in need, they come see me and I will provide what I can for them,” Crawford said.
Crawford added he tries to make the baskets well-balanced meals.
If you wish to apply to receive a food basket, you can reach Crawford at 406-338-7340 or email him at
Blackfeet Food Distribution Program expects to feed over 650 people during government shutdown
Reporting by Elizabeth Transue for MTN News