MISSOULA -Hateful graffiti was discovered Monday in a bathroom at Hellgate High School.
A staff member reported finding a swastika on a paper towel dispenser in a bathroom on Monday, according to a message sent out to students and parents by Principal Judson Miller.
He added that the message did not direct a specific threat nor did it indicate an immediate safety risk to the school.
Miller also issued a reminder about what is done when “threatening or hateful graffiti is found on our campus.
School officials discussed the scope of investigation with law enforcement, cleaned the area and checked area cameras.
Miller says that during the course of the investigation they weren’t able to identify a suspect on camera.
Miller added that he will be discussing the discovery with student groups at Hellgate High School to determine the best way to address the situation.
“I have also been engaged in conversations with members of our local Jewish community, district office, and parents over the past month about concerns about previous graffiti found in early March,” Miller’s notice stated.
“We firmly rebuke hateful or threatening speech or actions. Further, we never condone defacing school property. Standby for more details about how we will engage our entire Knight community around this issue,” he added.