

L&C Library add new mobile library called “Words on Wheels”

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HELENA – The Lewis and Clark Library introduced their newest addition to their mobile libraries on Monday, Words on Wheels.

Brainchild of Bookmobile Librarian Bretagne Byrd, Words on Wheels is a traditional cargo trike with a custom made box attachment.

Word on Wheels will essentially function like a smaller version of the bookmobile.

The pedal powered library was paid for by a $10,000 grant from the Lewis & Clark Library Foundation.

“We rely on them to help us do pilot projects and fund things that we really might not be able to justify using through taxpayer expense,” said John Finn, Lewis & Clark Library director, “but they’re more than willing to help us out in doing fun new things.”

Words on Wheels plans on adding a mobile hotspot to help provide more technology accessibility for all library patrons.

“Our motto at the Foundation is to make a great library even better,” said Joe Furshong, Lewis & Clark Library Foundation Board member. There’s a belief in the library that getting books to patrons wherever they are is one of the best ways to make the library even better.”

Fellow Library Foundation Board Member Art Butler echoed the sentiment, adding the new book bike will be a great tool for the library.

“Any way we can get books out to the people is good and the more ways the better,” said Butler.

More information about the services provided by the library, including how to request Words on Wheels visit your neighborhood, can be found on the Lewis and Clark Library’s website.