

Cascade welcomes new school superintendent


CASCADE — Cascade Public School District hired Levi Collins as its new superintendent this summer to lead their K-12 school forward.

Collins was born and raised in northern Wyoming in a small farming community much like Cascade. His most recent role was as a principal of a K-12 school in Wyoming. Collins has extensive experinece as a teacher, assistant principal, and even bus driver. There is no level of education he hasn’t familiarized himself with.

Collins enjoys administrating within small communities, because he likes to get to know each member of the town and grow alongside them. He’s known that he wanted to be a superintendent for some time.

“This is my first job as superintendent, I did have, however, a very good mentor, who was my superintendent at my last district. I spent over four years as principal in my last district, and one of the things that I told that superintendent right when I got there, I said, my goal is to be superintendent, I just want you to know that,” says Collins.

Fellow administrator at Cascade, principal Michelle Price, already sees the potential beaming from Collins in the short time they’ve worked together.

“Our philosophies are the same, about how important it is for the kids, how important education is, getting the families involved, getting the community involved,” she says.

Superintendent Collins says he’s already noticed just how special the community is.

“The people I’ve met have been wonderful, in fact, the day I moved here, I had people who had never met me before that showed up to my house and helped me move in. I think that shows how wonderful this community is, they want the superintendent to be successful here."