HELENA — Many main roads and snow emergency routes in the City of Helena are clear of snow and ice. However, packed snow and ice have been compressed on some residential side streets, forming ruts that can be jarring when driving.
“Honestly, I would say this spot as I drop off my daughter at school and drive this is probably one of the worst because there is kind of a little canal with water running down it,” says Helena resident Ali Martin.
Martin is referring to the area around the intersection of Hollins Ave. and Madison Ave., just off N. Benton Ave. and a couple of blocks from Broadwater Elementary School.
“It was very dry for a long time, then we got a bunch of snow, and now lots of ice and dry patches. The city's done a good job of keeping the streets cleared, and now it’s a bit icy, but they do have gravel out, so it seems as long as you drive safely, slowly, and cautiously, it seems okay,” added Martin.

David Knoepke, the City of Helena Transportation Systems Director, told MTN what the city does to ensure safe driving conditions when there is no active winter storm or weather advisory.
“If we're seeing ice build-up, we might go and address it, depending on the situation. But typically, streets are plowed and sanded; if we see ice, sanding is usually our method of dealing with it. If there's some buildup, we might use a road graded, but typically, it’s just plowing and sanding with our trucks,” said Knoepke.
The city has a mix of roads, and the responsibility for clearing different streets depends on who has jurisdiction over a designated road. The Montana Department of Transportation is responsible for highways and state routes. The city is responsible for residential streets, including designated snow emergency routes.
Knoepke says residents can help by alerting the city to areas needing attention, such as ice, snow, or potholes.
“If there’s something that residents can see that they want to be addressed, they can go to the My Helena app and submit it as a sanding or plowing request.”
You can submit a request through the My Helena webpage by clicking here.