The VA Medical Center at Fort Harrison in Helena received its first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday.
According to a release, the shipment of the vaccine arrived right around 8:00 a.m.

VA officials say it will begin administering the vaccine within several hours of its arrival. The Moderna vaccine requires two doses to be administered 28 days apart to be effective. The vaccine's manufacturer says it is about 94 percent effective.
As vaccines become available for more groups of veterans, MTVAHCS care teams will contact eligible veterans to schedule vaccinations. There is no need to preregister or come to a facility to sign up. Click here for more information.
Montana VA Executive Director Dr. Judy Hayman said in a news release, “Montana VA Health Care System (MTVAHCS) is excited to have our first shipment of Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for our health care personnel and our Miles City community living center residents and staff. For over nine months, our healthcare teams and Veterans have adapted time and time again to meet every new challenge during the pandemic. That said, we must remain vigilant—the pandemic is not over. Starting today though, we are going to celebrate that the arrival of the vaccines mark the next phase towards ending the pandemic. As our vaccine supplies increase, our ultimate goal is to offer COVID-19 vaccination to all Veterans and employees who want to be vaccinated.”
The Montana VA says even with the vaccination arriving employees and veterans should wear masks, practice physical distancing, and good hand hygiene.