NewsCrime and Courts


Former school bus owner/driver enters not guilty plea

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MISSOULA – The former owner and driver of a Mission Valley school bus company accused of smoking meth on school buses in exchange for sex and cash says he’s not guilty.

54-year-old Scott Johnson entered the not guilty plea to three felony counts including possession of drugs, criminal distribution of dangerous drugs and endangering the welfare of children Thursday in Lake County District Court in Polson.

Lake County Chief Deputy County Attorney James Lapotka states in court documents that an officer pulled Johnson over after he witnessed him buying methamphetamine back in May. That officer later found meth in Johnson’s car and a pipe in his pocket.

A citizen informant then told authorities that Johnson would sell meth in exchange for cash and sexual services. That informant also said Johnson and others would sometimes smoke meth in the school bus barn, on school buses and on the St. Ignatius High School team bus. The informant also stated that Johnson once spilled meth inside a school bus while loading a pipe to smoke it.

The bus barn and two school buses later tested positive for the presence of meth residue, including one which Johnson himself used to drive.

Johnson’s jury trial is scheduled for Nov. 26.