HELENA – Firefighters are transitioning to a mop-up stage for the Shellrock Fire in the Beartooth Wildlife Management Area while containment has reached 50 percent for the 467 Trail Fire southeast of Lincoln.
Although the Shellrock Fire has now burned 500 acres, officials reported the increase in acreage reflects areas that burned within the constructed fire lines on Saturday.
On Sunday, fire resources will continue to hold and improve the existing lines while mopping-up where possible.
The fire is 35 percent contained and has a total of 105 personnel assigned to it.
The 467 Trail Fire located in the Poorman Creek area is 23 acres as firefighters continue to construct and secure the fire line while also mopping up within the perimeter.
Only portions of two trails are closed to any use until wildfire suppression operations are completed: The Continental Divide Trail (#440) at junction FS Road #136 is closed to the junction with Marsh Creek Road (FS #485) on the north. The Helmville-Gould Trail is closed from the junction with Trail #487 on the west to the trail end at Trail #440.
The pre-evacuation orders for the Trail 467 Fire were lifted. Officials ask people to check with the Lincoln Ranger Station for information regarding additional trail closures.