HELENA — With frigid temperatures predicted within a week, the Helena Family YMCA is giving families a free way to keep their kids bundled up.

"I tried it on, and it fit. What do you know?" said Clem Bauer, a 9-year-old coat recipient.
Kids got to zip into brand-new coats on Monday, trying different styles and colors.

Bauer said, "It's free and any size. It's really nice. It's really nice of the YMCA to do this."
Over 100 coats will be in the hands of Helena-area kids thanks to the partnership between the YMCA, Placer Subaru, and Operation Warm.
After 25 years of serving communities across the U.S., Operation Warm has served over 6,000,000 children.

"We live in Montana, and they don't cancel school. Life does not stop when it's below zero. We keep on trucking," said Ashley Callison, COO of Helena Family YMCA.
The YMCA says there are no requirements to get a coat, and they are there to help parents out during an expensive time of year.
Callison said, "The coats are for everyone. It doesn't matter what your background is. It doesn't matter where you live. We have no questions. We just want to make sure kids are warm when they're playing on the playground."

The kids getting the coats realize they could be running a real risk without them.
"If it's a huge blizzard, you could be like a 'human-sicle' – a human popsicle," said Bauer.

Some leftover coats will stay at the YMCA, with the rest donated to local schools, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, and other local groups working with kids.
If you need a coat, the YMCA encourages you to call them at (406)442-9622.