HELENA — Helena College announced a new, free course exploring anti-Black racism and allyship.
According to the professor who teaches the course, the course will examine things from the history of anti-Black racism in the United States to understanding the current racial justice movements taking place across the country.
The course plans to define and examine certain terms such as white privilege, defunding the police, and standing in solidarity.
Professor Kimberly Feig has over 10 years of experience studying race, gender, sexuality, and class. She hopes to use this course to inform community members how they can understand racism from different perspectives.
“The course, well, it doesn't speak specifically to Helena's history. If you think more critically about the ways in which a community like this may be reproducing or is reproducing structural racism. It allows you to sort of look at the ways in which you might be complicit in that," said Feig.
You do not have to be a student to participate in the course. The class begins September 8 and will be all online.
To register, click here.