Billings Clinic Broadwater has a new tool to help residents without transportation get to health care appointments.
The Townsend clinic has a new larger bus to help patients make it to appointments.
According to the clinic, the new bus came from Big Horn County and was purchased with the help from the Circle 100 Club.
The club is an offshoot of the Broadwater Community Health Foundation. Members have to donate a minimum of $100 a year and attend one meeting.
Billings Clinic Broadwater says the new bus will replace the bus. It also seats more people and will all the clinic to continue to offer monthly trips to Helena.
Riding the bus is free, but the clinic asks for a $15 donation on trips to Helena to help cover expenses.
People needing a ride can be picked up from home or at various locations around Townsend.
For more information, contact Billings Clinic Broadwater at (406) 266-3186.