The Bozeman City Commission will meet on Monday and decide whether they will adopt the Community Housing Action Plan, which seeks to address community housing needs over the next five years.
A housing assessment study reported that between 5,400 and 6,300 housing units are needed in the next five years to address the current housing shortfall for residents and the workforce.
The city has been working on the plan since April, and a draft was released last month.
There have been a number of events hosted by the City of Bozeman in the last few months for the public to provide their feedback throughout various steps of the process.
Some of the main objectives of the plan include ensuring community housing serves a full range of incomes, producing housing at a rate that at least matches job growth, and having a no net loss of existing community housing stock below 80% of annual median income.
The meeting will begin 6 p.m. Monday at City Hall.
There will be time set aside for public comment.