
Disc golf tournament held at Pioneer Park in Billings

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BILLINGS — On Saturday, a disc golf tournament was held at Pioneer Park in Billings, and over 50 people showed up to compete.

The tournament was sanctioned by the Professional Disc Golf Association, but there was a competitive and recreation division.

“Honestly, I just came out to have fun. A bunch of my buddies wanted to come play, they invited me out to play the tournament, this is my first tournament, so I didn’t know what to expect but it was incredible. It's honestly just a good way to spend time,” said Nathan Smith, a disc golf player.

Disc golf is a growing sport that’s similar to golf, except that it’s played with frisbees and the hole is an above ground net.

Each hole has a suggested par, and like golf, the less attempts you make it in, the better.

Billings has three disc golf courses, and the one in Pioneer Park is completely free to use during park hours.

“I’d say that it’s a very easy sport to get started with. It’s not too expensive, you just need a couple discs, and you can go out with a couple friends. It’s a great way to stay active and get to know a town. There's disc golf courses all around the US, there's an app for it, there's a culture behind it, and it’s definitely been a positive thing for my life,” said Sam Burpo, a disk golf player.

Burpo has been playing disc golf for the last eight months and says he would recommend it to anyone interested in trying it.

“I’m just super thankful that Billings has invested in making some disc golf courses in this town. We have options here and it’s definitely a great thing for a community,” said Burpo.

This was the first tournament Smith and Burpo had competed in, and they both say they would do it again.