University of Montana students are looking to have a Good Samaritan resolution adopted into the campus conduct code.
A Good Samaritan policy allows a student in need of emergency medical attention or another person to call for assistance with no threat of disciplinary action due to University alcohol or drug policies. Students would still be held accountable for other offenses like disorderly conduct or vandalism if they were committed.
Good Samaritan policies are common on campuses across the country and when members of Students for Sensible Drug Policy at the University of Montana found out they did not have one they took action.
"Some people thought that there was we got a lot of people saying that there is an unwritten policy I guess but the thing about it is just the way it works is that people need to know that its there to stop that hesitation from making a phone call you know," Students for Sensible Drug Policy chapter leader Kyle Yoder said.
Yoder says they hope to have this policy in the conduct code by next fall.
ASUM student government voted on the resolution and will now present it to UM administration in the hopes they will adopt the policy into campus conduct code.