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FWP reveals results from Madison River Recreation Scoping Survey

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HELENA — Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) revealed the results from the Madison River Recreation Scoping Survey.

Around 7,500 people responded to the survey, with 30 percent of respondents being non-residents.

The goal of the survey is to help solutions for how to manage the amount of people using the river, and gage the public’s feeling on the matter.

Most respondents said they would like to see a reduction of commercial outfitter trips on the river from 2018 numbers, and would like to see more walk-wade social conflict management.

Montana residents said they’d prefer to see a 50/50 resident to non-resident cap.Out of state anglers and outfitters disagreed.

The majority of respondents said a healthy fishery should be a primary management goal.

FWP is currently working on developing a proposal for the management of the Madison, and strongly encourages people to remain active in helping them develop the best plan for the river.