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Montana VA holds statewide flu clinics

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HELENA — The Montana Veteran’s Affairs Healthcare System started their drive-through and walk-up clinics across the state on Tuesday.

Veterans from Anaconda to Glendive, Billings to Helena, Miles City to Great Falls were able to get their flu shot.

Nurses, pharmacy technicians, and even Carroll College, and University of Montana pharmacy students were able to give veterans their flu shot at Fort Harrison.

Katie Temple is a resident nurse who says getting both your flu vaccine and covid-19 can help eliminate sickness.

“It’s super important to be vaccinated with both COVID vaccine and the flu vaccine to protect those around you, your loved ones and friends but also yourself. Being vaccinated then can hopefully help keep you out of clinics and hospitals, which is a higher risk because more ill people are in there and then, the risk of catching one of those is higher if you have to go in the building, so staying out of those buildings is a benefit as well,” said Temple.