HELENA — According to the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, "Over the past ten years, there have been an average of 20 drowning deaths per year in Montana."
A statistic like that concerns parents when they cannot find swimming lessons for their children.
"It just gets harder and harder every year because everyone wants swim lessons for their kids," said Amanda Yocom, a Helena parent.
She has struggled to find swim lessons for her daughter, Ellie.
Yocom said, "I have friends who block out time on their calendars at work to say, 'No meetings during this. Nothing else, so I can get my kid registered for this swim lesson for the next four weeks.' It gets a little crazy here in town."
When Yocom saw the Montana Swim Academy was bringing lessons to Helena, she immediately signed up.

"It's just as important as learning your ABCs or knowing how to count. You never know what the situation is going to be like, especially if you bring your kid to the lake or the pool," said Yocom.
Montana Swim Academy is based in Bozeman and has another location in Butte.
Next month, it will offer lessons at the Hampton Inn near Walmart.

Co-founder Michael Cobarrubias said, "It's really awesome to partner with hotels because most of the time their pools stay empty."
He said it is a win-win situation: They rent out the pool space on days and times when the pools are not used.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, Montana has the highest rate of drowning deaths in the continental United States.

"Kids are drowning, and it's real. There's lakes, creeks, rivers all around us, so swim lessons are vital. It's a lifesaving skill," said Montana Swim Academy co-founder Taylor Howell.
Montana Swim Academy offers a variety of lessons on Saturday and Sunday mornings and Monday afternoons.
Ages range from six months to adults, and class options include one-on-ones, partners, or groups.
Classes will start at the beginning of September.
You can find more information about the new swim lessons and where to sign up here.