HELENA — We're not going to sugar coat it, on Tuesday, Elsas, dinosaurs, Spider-men and a few King Kongs descended on Helena to fill their bags with candy.
This year The Helena Chamber of Commerce hosted Little Tykes Trick or Treat, where downtown businesses handed out candy to hundreds of kids.

Many businesses across downtown supplied the sweets while giving a safe space for the youngest trick-or-treaters.
“It’s just a great place to bring your kids. Suns out, and plenty of families out here. It’s fun to be out here, so we figured we’d walk the walking mall,” parent Collin Plancinch said.
“I work downtown, so it’s pretty easy to come downtown and go trick or treating,” said another parent, Mike Tommerup.
Over at the State Capitol, government officials passed out candy.

The Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen dressed as 1975 rodeo queen Susie Foster and shared what costume was her favorite to see this Halloween.
“I see a ‘Cat in the Hat’ over at our booth, and it reminds me of when our kids were younger, and we had Thing One and Thing Two and I submitted them for the Halloween contest. It was a great year,” said Jacobsen.
With all the candy passed out today, kids did not go home empty-handed.