BOZEMAN — You’ve probably heard of Granny’s Donuts because of the donuts, but this business is going beyond these sweet treats.
“When people are under a lot of stress and there’s a lot of uncertainty going on… what builds community is kindness and courtesy and consideration.”
That's what prompted Robert McWilliams to use his business to supply employees at Bozeman Health with breakfast.

“It’s not just the healthcare worker," McWilliams said. "Most of the staff, I want to appreciate too: folks mopping the floor, the folks during the laundry, the folks doing the cleaning. They’re working just as hard. They’re under just as much stress.”
MTN News just caught word of what the business is doing, but they’ve been doing it for over a year.
"We started this at the start of the pandemic, so we started in… sometime in early 2020, and we’ve been steadily doing it all year round,” he said.
And this owner only has one motive behind his actions.
"We’re doing it because it needs to be done," said McWilliams. "The time to cowboy up is now when they need it now. It’s been a long time. People are exhausted mentally and physically so just cowboy up, do the right thing,”
The business was pretty busy on Friday morning and customers described the donuts in one word.
“How's your donut?”
“Uhm, good,” exclaimed the Rivadeneyra family.
“I would encourage other businesses to do the right thing. Be as considerate as you can,” McWilliams added.
Granny’s Donuts is just one of the many businesses in the community making an effort to spread positivity during this time.