HELENA — Finding the perfect pumpkin is never easy. One person’s superior squash may be another’s gaudy gourd. Edgewater Farms outside of Townsend (8410 Hwy 287, Townsend, MT 59644) may be able to help though.
This week, 10,000 pounds of pumpkins have arrived at their pumpkin patch and will be placed in 26 bins for families to come to pick out that perfect pumpkin
Edgewater Farms corn maze and pumpkin patch opened the gates Labor Day Weekend with games, food and family fun.
Janelle Nygard, who works at Edgewater Farms in Townsend, says there is plenty to choose from.
"We have traditional jack-o-lanterns, we also have jumbos, we have little mini sugar pies, we have decorative ones. We have gourds in white, pink, blue, stripey and warty pumpkins. So, there is a huge variety for people to choose from when they get out here," explained Nygard.
The pumpkin patch is on a working family farm that has been in the Davis family for five generations. Where the general store is located now was once a horse stable many years ago.
The family puts a lot of effort into making the outing filled with fun, such as the two corn mazes on 12 acres of a cornfield.

Nygard recommends people should come with plenty of time to find their way through them.
"It's been designed to be about 20 to 30 minutes to get through it. And, the larger one on the right side has been designed to be about 40 minutes to an hour," said Nygard.
When you are ready to go home with a pumpkin in your arms, Edgewater Farms says to make sure to wait a bit before carving out your favorite design to avoid the jack-o-lantern from getting moldy.
"A way to preserve is once you carve it you rub Vaseline on it around all the cut flesh that will help prevent it from going moldy," noted Nydard.
Another big attraction this year will be the candy drop from the helicopter, which will happen on a Saturday, Oct. 30. Well, that is assuming that Jack Frost doesn't show up with a Montana Blizzard.