WeatherWeather Wise


Weather Wise: GroundDOGS Day

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On Sunday, the groundhog Punxsatawney Phil made his prediction that there would be 6 more weeks of winter. But do we really believe a groundhog can predict the weather? Here in Montana, we look to man’s best friends and these prognosticating pooches have a better track record than Phil.

I’ve been doing this for years and I stole this from Al Marks when he would have his dogs pick the Super Bowl winners. What’s on the line? Whether or not spring is coming early or we have six more weeks of winter, even though it's really cold right now.

So here's how this works. One of the bowls says winter, and the other says spring. We fill treats in the bowls and the dogs will decide whether we have an early spring or 6 more weeks of winter.

And the prediction from Ritz and Beaver…

It's definitely going to be an early spring!

This is strictly science and it works every single time. So, although it's cold and snowy right now, we've got a pretty good chance of an early spring.