GREYCLIFF — Nestled along Interstate 90 at the Greycliff Mill, Montana-made cheese can be found underground.
Abby Woody and her husband Kevin manage the new Greycliff Market and Creamery that opened last Memorial Day.

“Underground, the bricks and everything helps so much,” Abby Woody said on Wednesday.
The cheese is aged in an underground cheese cave, which is kept at 50 degrees with 85% humidity to create the perfect environment.
“Right now, we’re offering seven different varieties of hard cheese,” Kevin Woody said. “Using 200 gallons of milk each week.”

Kevin Woody drives to Victor every week to pick up the 200 gallons of milk, and then they spend an entire day making the cheese.
“I would say that I’m the mind behind the cheese making,” Abby Woody said. “I made cheese for 17 years in Texas.”
While his wife is the mind behind the products, Kevin Woody is the craftsman.
“I’m more the hands-on guy when it comes to the cheese-making,” Kevin Woody said.

The two have been married for six years and originally met in Texas at the cheese factory that Abby Woody used to work at.
“Kevin sold cheese for us,” she said.

Chunks of their cheese can be purchased at the market, along with other products made at the Greycliff Mill.
“It’s been wonderful. We’ve sold as much as we’ve made,” Abby Woody said.