HELENA — In this week's edition of Out and About we the Last Chance Stampede and Fair hits the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds and a Helena-area business is giving out backpacks with school supplies on Saturday morning.

Last Chance Stampede and Fair - Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds - 7/26 to 7/30
What can we say about the Stampede and Fair that hasn't already been said before? There are games, rides, fair food and area food trucks, 4-H exhibits and events, live music, and entertainment throughout the weekend and it's right in Helena's backyard.
The full list of events whether it be Broadway Rock of Ages on Friday night, the 4-H Livestock Sale on Saturday, or anything under the sun, you can find that on the Stampede and Fair's website.
Free backpacks and school supplies - Verizon-Cellular Plus - 7/29 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
If you're a kid, it is way too early to start thinking about school. However, if you're an adult, it's never too early to start thinking about school supplies. On Saturday morning at Verizon-Cellular Plus kids can pick up a free backpack and school supplies while they last. In order to pick up the backpack a child must be present with the adult.
That does it for this week, if there is something you think we missed or something you'd like to see next week, please send us all of the details in an email to outandabout@ktvh.com