HELENA — The holidays are upon us and East Helena joined in the holiday spirit with the annual East Helena Christmas Stroll and Arts and Crafts Show on Thursday night.
The event provided an opportunity for the community to come together and support local businesses and artisans.
A young volunteer of the event shared the importance of the Christmas Stroll.
"I have grown up here my entire life except for a few years that I lived in Clancy and I love working with the kids and seeing the joy on their faces," one young volunteer told MTN.
Volunteers from different organizations and businesses had apple cider, hot cocoa, and cookies. The tent I visited had made over 2,000 homemade cookies for the event.

Vendors were located at the VFW, Boilermaker’s Union Hall, The Eagles, Firemen’s Hall, E.H. Library, City Hall and Stacks and Galaxy Roasting.
Products ranged from wooden reindeer, kettle corn, and beadwork, to huckleberry goods.
In addition to shopping, participants also took home holiday goodies from the basket and Christmas tree raffle.
Activities for all ages and interests were available including a kid’s tent on Main Street, performances at Radley Elementary School and refreshments served at Main Street businesses.

A visitor from the North Pole also made an appearance!