The first day of winter is upon us, but it's not going to feel like it. Highs will be in the 40s and 50s across western Montana through the beginning of Christmas week.
Calmer wind will set in for the Helena Valley. Breezy conditions will pick up in the north-central plains this weekend.

For the next seven days, highs will be in the 40s to low 50s. A small disturbance over the weekend may bring snow to the mountains early Sunday morning, and some rain may make it down to the valley floors.
Christmas is trending on the drier side. However, there is a low chance of mountain snow showers on Christmas Eve. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Helena Temperature Records Today:
High: 55 (1900)
Low: -25 (1990)
AVG: 31/13
Great Falls Temperature Records Today:
High: 57 (2019)
Low: -28 (1990)
AVG: 35/15
Have a great weekend!
Joey Biancone
Facebook: Meteorologist Joey Biancone
Instagram: joeybianconewx